Sunday, March 10, 2013

6th birthday sleepover success !!

These boys know how to party :)

 Playing Just Dance!

 Opening gifts

Cake and ice cream time!

 Saturday morning lego building

 waffle breakfast

Ashton decided on a sleepover party this year to celebrate his 6th birthday. The boys had fun eating, playing x-box and Kinect, watching 'Wreck it Ralph', playing nerf guns and swords and of course telling ghost stories at bedtime :) Saturday morning we woke up and made a big waffle breakfast and then took the kids out to the park and field for more fun. 
Everyone seemed to have a great time!


Rosemary said...

looks like everyone had a great time. :)

Kathy Bell said...

how fun! this makes me wish i were a kid again for a weekend. Sleepovers have some of the best memories!