Sunday, February 8, 2009

The difference between...

An almost 2 year old's thoughts of coming home from the park and...

A 6 and a half month old's thoughts of coming home from the park.


Rosemary said...

Ah, poor Ashton :( Hope you like the outdoors Shayna and Tommy. It looks like you could be spending some quality time there. That's a good thing though. :0 Love you guys.

Marianne and Brad said...

aw sad day Ashton bear! And Weston of course always has a smile on his face! I miss you guys! Im excited we get to hang out in March.

Carina said...

cannot get over how cute your boys are. we had first time tears from Ella today for leaving the park. Fun to see that they love it, but COME ON... we'll come back. :)