Thursday, May 23, 2013

My Weston

My friend and I were talking the other day about our "middle children." Weston is definitely our middle child because he isn't the oldest and he isn't the twins. That being said, he is more to us than just that. He is our funny boy, our sweet boy. He loves to play with the twins and is their biggest cheerleader. He is a natural leader, and has many friends. Making friends is easy for him. Weston is very social and always has a "hi" for everyone. He is an athlete and an artist but his greatest skill is making paper airplanes-and they really can fly!

I can't believe that he will be 5 this summer. Where did those years go? 
Weston is my buddy, my friend and thankfully my middle child.


Rosemary said...

very nicely said! Well done Weston :)

Anonymous said...
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sharielle:) said...

Middle children are ultimately the best (;
Such a stud!

Ps.yes I am the creeper who posted the last comment haha