Saturday, March 30, 2013

This kid booked a big job!

Last month, on the evening of Ashton's sleepover birthday, he had a big audition. It was bad timing because it was literally an hour before his friends were to arrive, but this one was big and we made it work. The next day we got an email saying that "Ashton is a finalist and client requests that he please not cut his hair!" So we figured we might get the job. A few days later I got a call saying that unfortunately the job had been cancelled all together and that our agency was sad because they were pretty sure that Ashton was going to get it. We were sad, but hopefully they will reschedule this job.

A few weeks ago we got an email about a possible Panasonic tv commercial. With modeling usually there is a photo selection first and then if you pass that you are invited to an audition. There are usually hundreds of kids auditioning. Our kids belong to 2 different agencies, so we usually go with whoever calls or emails us first about a job. I told one of the agents to submit Ashton's photo and we would go from there. He got back to me and said that the client would like him to audition at 1:00 that Friday. I was reluctant because I don't like him to miss school for an audition. Usually with the bigger clients they aren't too flexible with changing your audition time because they have so many to get through. I sent back an email to our agency asking if there was any way that Ashton could come after school instead. He got back with me and said that the clients really want to see him, and that we could pick a time to audition (preferably before 5 because that's when they ended). 
We met our agent at the train station and as we were walking to the audition he told us that they submitted 25 boys pictures (fitting the criteria for the client) and they only chose Ashton to come audition. I was happy to hear that, but knew there were still kids from other agencies auditioning. We got to the venue and waited a few minutes before being called back. As usual they had a panel of people behind a table and TV camera (they like to see how the kids look on TV). They gave Ashton the scoop and 10 minutes later we were done. The next afternoon, I got an email saying that Ashton was a finalist but the client was changing the shoot date and they would get back with me with the details. I couldn't believe that it was happening again! I told Tommy that it was going to get cancelled or something! 
Yesterday we took the boys out for a fun outing and during lunch I checked my phone. I had an email from our agency saying that Ashton booked the Panasonic job! We are thrilled. The TV commercial is worldwide. What a cool experience this will be for him :) Ashton's one request was "Now can I get Mine Craft on the x-box?" Up until now he has been playing on the iPad and has been asking for it on the tv for a while. This seemed like a good reward for his good news!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is awesome!!