Nixon, Ashton and Weston (taken with my phone)
Nixon and Ashton (taken with my phone)
Ready for a walk! (taken with my phone)
Nixon and Cooper turned 3 months old yesterday! Everyday they get more and more fun and we can't imagine life without them. They are such happy babies and gives us smiles around the clock.
We are lucky to have "identical twins" that aren't "identical". We can very much tell them apart and I love how different they are looking from each other every day.
Right now....
Cooper is starting to like the swing, but Nixon can take it or leave it.
Nixon loves the play mat and Cooper can take it or leave it.
They both love their bouncy chairs and like to fall asleep in them throughout the day.
They are both great nursers and I feel lucky to be able to nurse them!
They both like the bath and shower.
Cooper likes to fall asleep and cuddle laying in our arms and Nixon likes to be up over our shoulder.
They both love their big brothers, and are constantly getting attention from them.
Ashton and Weston can both get the babies to laugh, smile and coo.
It is the sweetest thing to see the older siblings interact with the babies.
So handsome! They have such great smiles.
I love seeing all your pictures of them. I think they look like each of your older boys.
Too cute! You are surrounded by your boys. What a lucky momma!
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