This cute boy just got accepted to his first international school! The Nishimachi International School in Tokyo, Japan.
This was our first choice of schools for him to go to. We applied to a few more just in case, but are so happy that this will be the one he will go to!
For the last month we have been deep in the application process for all of these schools. We are talking college type requirements for these schools. They wanted applications, essays, recommendations, family photos, individual photos, screenings and reports from his teachers this year and last, birth certificates, vaccination records etc. It has been very, very stressful.
Normally, this school requires an interview with the applicant (online or in person). But they were so impressed with Ashton that they are holding a spot for him and will just interview him in August right before school starts.
We are waiting to hear from Weston's international preschool still. Yes, we had to apply there too.
Congrats Ashton, we are so proud and excited for you!
Excellant! You will be an great student Ashton! Love Grandma
Ashton, how proud we are of you being accepted to the school! I know you will be a great student. We love you!
Ashton, I am so proud of you! You will be a great student, and will be able to learn Japanese so you can help your Dad and me remember the language! Love, Grandpa
Good Job Ashton!! That sounds like quite the school. What an adventure you have in front of you guys. Can't wait to hear about iti.
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