Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Random reasons I love my husband

  • Let's me take Sunday naps, without interruptions.
  • Will always ask if he can bring anything home for dinner, just in case I haven't/wanted to cook.
  • He calls everyday to make sure Ashton and I are having a great day.
  • 5. Will unload the silverware (my least favorite part) from the dishwasher.
  • 4. His great laugh- Everyone is always commenting on how contagious it is.
  • 3. His endless list of nicknames he has for Ashton and I. ( Bubbles, Bubby, Snuggler snoop, Petite princess, foof beene, etc.)
  • 2. He always hangs up his clothes and wet towels...ALWAYS!!!
  • 1. He knows when to randomly send me flowers and yummy chocolate, just because.
Thank you Tommy for being a great husband and dad. We love you ( and the flowers and chocolate)!

1 comment:

ej said...

Tommy- you are putting Nathan to shame. If I did a post like this right now it would go: I love my husband because sometimes, he comes home for the weekend! lol- I think you got the nicknaming from your padre :) Shayna, you lucky girl :)